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 The Cross of Freedom

The Son

When God made the law, He made it to his level of perfection.  Then He told us in scripture that we could never hope to be perfect in following it.  He did this to make it clear that we need the Savior.  Now, this doesn't mean that once we accept Jesus as our Savior that we can ignore the law.  If we throw the law out the window, we throw the Savior right out the window with it.  You see, without the law there is no need for a Savior.

Besides the scriptural writings about Jesus, there are also secular writings indicating that Jesus was a real man who lived during the time the Bible indicates and did the things that the Bible says he did.  Some folks will question whether he rose from the dead after being crucified and will doubt His oneness with God the Father, but the Scriptures tell us these things are true.  While Jesus' divinity is a matter of faith, His existence is as undeniable as that of any other figure in earth's history.

Scripture tells us that all three persons of the Holy Trinity were there in the beginning.  This includes God the Son, who was to become mankind's hope and salvation and the only way for us to know God the Father.

Imagine:  God, through the Holy Spirit, caused a young virgin woman to be with child - a child whose very spirit is the spirit of God Himself.  This is the perfect union of the Divine and Mankind.  100% God and 100% man.  Scripture tells us that this child was God Himself, yet was a physical being just like us.  He felt hunger, pain, and every emotion that we as humans feel.  He was born into the world like us and had a childhood very similar to every other child of that day.

Yet, because His spirit was that of God, he overcame the flesh and did not succumb to the weaknesses that we as humans cannot overcome on our own.  Although He was sinless and perfect in the law, He paid the price for our inability to follow God's law.  Consider the immenseness of this gift.  Imagine the most non-violent person you have ever heard of sitting on death row in place of the worst serial killer of all time - then multiply this picture a billion times.  Jesus offers us all of the treasures of creation and of eternity regardless of how far we go from the law during our life on earth - we need only accept this precious gift and thank Him for his sacrifice in securing it for us.

I recently wrote a song about this gift and He who offers it to us unconditionally.  Click here to read the words.  I hope you find them inspiring.

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

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